6-7 persoons sloep huren

About the standard sloop

Dit heerlijke gezinssloepje is geschikt voor 6 volwassenen en eventueel 7 personen in geval van meevarende kinderen. Het makkelijk bestuurbare sloepje is rondom voorzien van zowel lekkere zitkussens als rugleuningkussens. Spulletjes opbergen kan in een van de 3 opbergvakken. Graag liggend in de zon varen? Wij instaleren dan graag ons zonnedek voor jullie aan boord!
"With our service, no one is left out"

Hours and rates

Morning 09:30 - 13:30
Afternoon 14:00 - 18:00
Hele dag 09:30 – 17:30
Avond 18:15 – 21:15

Additional Information

What to expect from our sloop

Number of persons
De sloep is geschikt voor maximaal 6-7 personen.
An ideal boat to learn sailing skills!
Storage compartments
Handig om spullen in op te bergen, zoals tassen, hapjes/drinken en zwemkleding.
Boating licence
You do not need these to hire this sloop
Available free of charge in all sizes: from babies to adults
The deposit per boat is €150

Discover Lake Veere from the water

Prevent appetite and thirst during the cruise!

For a day of enjoyment
Coming soon
Lunch boat coming soon!
From On request p.p.
Prevent cravings
Coming Soon
Drinks boat coming soon!
From On request p.p.

You have a question and we have the answer!

No that is not necessary. Our boats are easy to drive. With a brief explanation about the boat, our sailing map and an instruction on sailing, you can safely take to the water!
Yes, click on the reserve button at the top right of the screen. Here you can book a sloop directly and see availability.
Basically, you can bring everything on board the sloop yourself that you need for a fun day on the water! Would you rather be relieved? Then take a look at our packages


medewerker sloepverhuur het veerse meer

Request availability

On this page, you can easily select the desired date, time and number of persons. In most cases, you can expect a response from us within 1 hour.

First name and surname *
Phone number *
Email *
Date *
Desired sailing time *
Number of persons

Request availability

On this page, you can easily select the desired date, time and number of persons. In most cases, you can expect a response from us within 1 hour.

First name and surname *
Phone number *
Email *
Date *
Desired sailing time *
Number of persons